Thursday, November 18, 2010

Desing Blog 4, Designer

Calvin Klein is one of the most famous names in the designer world.  His rise to fame came from his clothing jeans line, but today the Calvin Klein brand sells all sorts of apparel.  From watches, to perfumes, and even jewelry.

Calvin Klein excelled in creating a urban but sophisticated look.  One of his main ideas as a designer was "less looks more".  I feel as if what sets Calvin Klein apart is his clear design philosophy which is "I've always had a clear point of view about being modern, sophisticated, sexy, clean, and minimal".

                                                   Which is show cased here quiet nicely:

Calvin Klein has been referred to as the "supreme master of minimalism" for 40 years now.  His designs usually are not very intricate.  They give a sense of a modern look with a minimum amount of design.  But they still retain a look that makes the design seem intricate and inspired.

                     This speaks volumes about how important minimalism is to Calvin Klein.

The Calvin Klein brand features an extensive amount of clothing for both men and women.  Mens clothes are traditionally made for a more urban but modern look, whereas the women's clothes are designed for all sorts of occasions.  They have everything from prom dresses to picnic clothes.  The womens line of clothing encompasses a wide variety of design styles, while simultaneously sticking to the minimalism philosophy Calvin Klein implemented almost a quarter century ago.

The thing that Calvin Klein started that really set the design world ablaze was putting his name on the back pocket of his designer jeans.  That started the entire craze for designer jeans.  Today you would be hard pressed to find clothing that does not include a label, name, or some sort of mascot advertising where you bought that particular clothing from.  All of this is due to Calvin Klein's brilliance.  

If you notice, there are not any tears or rips of any kind showing.  They did not up an over abundance of pockets or zippers of any kind.  The design is nice and simple, while still looking fashionable.  There isn't a multitude of colors.  Everything is designed to look comfortable, and accessible, but minimal and urban.

Calvin Klein is one of the best known designer brands of the world and all this was reached because of his unique style situated at practical design clothing that does not exaggerate jewelry or any other accessories. His minimalistic look really has gone a long way to pave the way for future designers.  Today's look is more focused on getting a certain look across rather than a particular name brand.  Calvin Klein really set the boundaries for what you can expect to find in clothing selection.

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